Before registering for an official Virginia+DC FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge Tournament, make sure your team has registered with FIRST® to receive all the season’s challenge materials, including your official team number. Find out more about how to register a team here! Once your team has their official team number, you will follow the following steps to register for an event.

1. Create or Log into your VA+DC FLL Team Manager Account
During the months of August and September, one coach will need to either create a Team Manager account or log in to their account if they already have one. If you have multiple teams, you can manage all of your teams from one account!

2. Create a team profile
Once the team manager account has been created, the coach will need to set up a team profile for each of their teams. ** At the moment, the option to invite an assistant coach is not working. We will update teams when we have this feature restored.

3. Enter Team Member Data & Make Payment
Before Tournament Selection opens up and teams select their tournament preferences, coaches will need to enter their team member data. This data includes the student’s name, birthday, grade, and race.
How do we use this data?
This data is used to implement, manage and evaluate our programs and events. We do not sell or release information to 3rd parties.
Coaches will also need to make their event registration payment before selecting their team’s tournament selection preferences.

4. Select Tournament Preferences
Registration for tournament preferences will open on October 1st at 10am and will close on October 10th. Log into Team Manager Account to submit the team’s preferences. Teams must have at least two members assigned to the team before tournament preference selections can be submitted.
Each team will select 4 tournament preferences. After the closing of registration, teams will be assigned to their tournament. Teams will be able to find their tournament assignment in their Team Manager account or our website after October 15th. Assignments are based on a “first come, first serve” basis.
Key Contacts
General Questions
Kaitlin Ilnitzki- Program Manager
Karen Berger-
Regional Tournament Coordinator