There are a few things needed to get a FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge team going.
New FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge teams can expect to pay approximately $1000 for team registration, the Challenge Set, Tournament Fee and a reusable robot kit of parts. Additional costs for event participation, travel, food, team shirts and other optional items will vary.
Veteran teams will pay less since the robot set can be used year after year. Team registration, event registration, and the Challenge Set must be purchased every season.
How are teams funded?
School-based teams receive STEM funding, school/ district/ state grants or PTA/ PTO support.
Parents and teachers should check with school administrators and STEM leaders within the school/district to inquire about local and regional funding opportunities.
Possible funding sources: After-school enrichment programs, Equity/ Diversity/ Inclusion in STEM initiatives, Women in STEM initiatives, Gifted and Talented programs.
There are sometimes STEM competition grants offered by Virginia Department of Education. Consult with local STEM coordinators for grant opportunities.
PTO/ PTA organizations sometimes provide club or enrichment grants to teachers within a specific school. Consult your school’s PTO/ PTA
Independently funded teams receive funding from corporate or individual sponsors.
Use your connections! Think about family, friends, or local businesses that may want to support your team.
If you are being reimbursed by a company or organization, but sure to find out what documentation is needed as sometimes it takes time to get everything that is required.
Tax-Exempt Non-Profit Status: Some sponsors can only fund tax-exempt nonprofit organizations (501{c}{3}). You could register your team but given the relatively small funding needs of an FLL Challenge team, you will likely find it is not worth the legal fees.
Some FLL teams will ask a friendly FRC team (many of whom are associated with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group) if they can accept sponsorships on behalf of your FLL team. Others will ask a robotics booster club or school PTA group if they can graciously do the same. (This helpful tip was taken from FLL Tutorials. Definitely check them out!)
Hack Club for FIRST: As part of a collaboration between FIRST and the nonprofit Hack Club, we are excited to introduce you to Hack Club Bank. This service is a comprehensive financial platform that can be used by all FRC, FTC, and FLL teams to help streamline their finances and gain 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, with onboarding that is typically less than 72 hours.
Teams can also look for national and regional FIRST® specific grants.
Check with FIRST to find rookie grant opportunities https://www.firstinspires.org/robotics/team-grants
These are offered at different times of the year, depending on the grant specifications.
Teams can also create their own fundraising plans that involve community outreach opportunities.
Teams have used bake sales, yard sales, and other local fundraising opportunities to raise some or all of the funds needed to start a team.
Check out the videos in the FIRST® Fundraising Tool kit. Be careful.. the videos are helpful but many of the resources are specifically targeted to FTC and FRC teams.
Team Grant Opportunities
Team grant opportunities are always being updated. Keep checking back to find more! Thank you to our amazing Team Grant Sponsors for providing these opportunities to students across Virginia and D.C.
Check out the FIRST Grants Page for more grant opportunities!