BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//NONSGML Sandhills Development\, LLC//NONSGML Sugar Calendar Fe eds v3.4.0//EN X-WR-CALNAME:VA-DC FIRST LEGO League X-WR-CALDESC: X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20200204T000000 TZNAME:UTC END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20200204T000000 TZNAME:UTC END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Season Challenge Global Release DESCRIPTION:Check out FIRSTinspires twitch TV on August 4th at 12pm to f ind out more about the RePlay season details!\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c090dce8-5c01-480c-b122-c195b4e667ae STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200804T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200804T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Unpacking the Season Challenge - Pt 1 DESCRIPTION:Unpacking the Season Challenge:  Core Values and Innovation Project \nGet tips and tricks on how to keep the season going by inspi ring your team with remote project and core values team meetings. You wi ll receive resources on how to conduct team meetings and a few ideas on content\, with an emphasis on COVID19 related ideas for your team.\nREGI STER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:dc3ea37a-3c80-43f7-9296-7483923fb8ee STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200811T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200811T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Explore - Season Challenge Global Release DESCRIPTION:Check out FIRSTinspires twitch TV on August 4th at 1pm to fi nd out more about the Playmakers season details! URL;VALUE=URI: lobal-release/ UID:urn:uuid:f1230d01-fb4b-486c-9c89-4df2ab18a1d7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200804T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200804T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Season Updates DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nSeason Up dates\n\n\n\n\nThe burning questions of what the season will look like i s finally here.  Join us for the announcement of the logistics\, event schedules\, consolidated judging\, division systems\, and so much more!\ n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: pdates/ UID:urn:uuid:8da9fd59-482f-48ed-a1d8-1fc122c20d74 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200825T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200825T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: RePlay Robot Game DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nRePLAY Ro bot Game\n\n\n\n\nVA-DC FIRST LEGO League's very own head referee\, Stev e Scherr\, will join us in an overview of the RePLAY Robot Game and will be answering your questions about the game rules and regulations.\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: obot-game/ UID:urn:uuid:f9dc97c1-295c-45fa-8468-7e16062dc4b5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200909T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200909T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Robot Design DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nROBOT DES IGN\n\n\n\n\nTeams from VA-DC FIRST LEGO League join us in providing adv ice and first hand experience on their approach to designing their award winning robots.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: sign/ UID:urn:uuid:82b006b7-aa7a-4279-96bb-199143ee6142 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200922T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200922T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Innovation Project & Global Innovation A ward DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nTAKE YOUR PROJECT TO THE NEXT LEVEL\nGLOBAL INNOVATION AWARD\n\n\n\n\nVA-DC FIRST LEGO League Global Innovation nominees will be answering your questions and narrating their journey through the process.   We will also hear about how they took their project to the next level!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREGI STER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: on-project-global-innovation-award/ UID:urn:uuid:ddd945ab-b391-4ce9-a9f6-9d10240f0f84 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201013T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201013T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Community Outreach DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nCOMMUNITY OUTREACH\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVA-DC FIRST LEGO League established teams venture out in to their every day life to make an impact for the STEM community .  Join us in uncovering their journey and the influence they have had thus far.\n\nThis could really take your team to the next level!\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:590442eb-e94b-4c22-95d0-1543464d396c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201027T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201027T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Judging Sessions DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nTOURNAMEN T JUDGING SESSIONS\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVa-DC FIRST LEGO League's very own head judge\, Scott Rakestraw\, will join us in answering your questions about judging sessions and regulations as we navigate remote and consolidated judging.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:072ff8c6-366c-419b-9426-9995053a8eac STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201110T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201110T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Webinar: Prepare your Team for an Event DESCRIPTION:2020-2021 VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Webinar Series:\nWhat to E xpect:  Preparing for an Event\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHear from our regional plan ning team on what you should expect at a VA-DC FIRST LEGO League Challen ge Event during COVID-19.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: your-team-for-an-event/ UID:urn:uuid:582ba911-94d9-40ac-b503-e2df15f143a6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201208T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201208T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA+DC FLL Challenge: Tournament Preference Selection DESCRIPTION:VA+DC FIRST LEGO League Challenge:\nTournament Preference Se lection\nTournament Preference Selection will open on December 1st at 10 am and will close on December 10th. Log into Team Manager Account to register.\n\nBefore December 1st\, coaches will be able to access their Team Manager account to create their team profile and enter their member information.\n\nEach team will select 4 tournament preferences. After t he closing of registration on December 10th\, teams will be assigned to their tournament. Teams will be able to find their tournament assignment in their Team Manager account or our website after December 15th. URL;VALUE=URI: preference-selection/ UID:urn:uuid:af570e13-6452-406d-956a-a3474a01eedb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201201 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201210 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual FLL Challenge Camp hosted by FRC 612 DESCRIPTION:We are FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) team Chantilly 612 R obotics and have organized a free virtual FLL camp that we will be host ing from August 31 to September 4\, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM each day. This camp is an amazing opportunity for new members of FLL to familiariz e themselves with important aspects of the program\, as well as an oppor tunity for returning FLL members to reinforce and practice essential ski lls in FLL in a stimulating social environment. Over the course of the 5 -day virtual camp\, we will cover key topics that lead to success in FIR ST Lego League through fun and engaging activities.\n\nEach camp day\, F LL campers will spend time learning and exploring a new topic alongside other FLL members\, facilitated by high-school-age members of FRC 612. T opics covered include programming\, strategy\, robot design\, team build ing\, FLL research projects and presentations\, and FIRST core values. F RC 612\, a diverse and inviting community of STEM enthusiasts\, has host ed an FLL tournament for numerous years\, and we believe that these subj ects are fundamental and applicable in every FLL season.\n\nCamper sign up form: jm18GftenPvg9hY1ZnqGQM55Y0A/viewform\n\nAnnouncement video: https://dri URL;VALUE=URI: ted-by-frc-612/ UID:urn:uuid:8cb9b06c-909a-4f23-98a2-a98789e7ddcd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20200831 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20200904 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA/MD/DC FIRST Volunteer Town Hall DESCRIPTION:Virginia/ Maryland/ DC\nFIRST Volunteer Town Hall\nWe apprec iate all the volunteers that make the magic happen at FIRST  events in Maryland\, Virginia\, and Washington\, D.C.  With all of the uncertaint y surrounding the 2020-2021 season\, we wanted to come together as a com munity to share what we know and answer your questions.  Join us as rep resentatives from each FIRST program in VA/MD/DC share updates and answe r questions submitted before the event.\nWe want to hear from you!  Wha t questions or concerns do you have?\nSUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS HERE before the Town Hall.\nYou can also request a reminder email here.\nVIEW the To wn Hall on YouTube  -  September 24th at 6:30pm!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:96b1529e-3a4e-46c4-86bf-5548e55aa287 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20200924T183000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20200924T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Hampton) Remote Regional Qualifier 1 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament director\, Karen Berger at If you have quest ions about submitting materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\ nEVENT SCHEDULE\nWhile we want teams to participate as much as possible\ , we know that will not always be an option.  The only mandatory portio n will be the team's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also b e able to check out the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and par ticipate in virtual activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Clo sing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n \n\nTime\nEvent\nLink\n\n\n8:30 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nLink sent to coach\ n\n\n9:00 AM\nOpening Ceremony\nWatch Livestream\n\n\n9:30 AM - 2:00 PM\ nJudging Sessions\nLink sent to coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual A ctivities\n\n\n\n4:00 PM\nClosing Ce remony\nWatch Livestream\n\n\n\n \;\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoaches will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so it can b e distributed to the team before the event.  The judging session will l ast 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meeting the t eams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabilities w ithin the Zoom room.\n\n\n\n\nDivision 1\n\n\nJudging Team 1\nTeam Numbe r\nTeam Name\n\n\n9:45 AM\n38690\nPanda Cubs\n\n\n10:45 AM\n41039\nBob's Bricks\n\n\n11:45 AM\n47183\nLego Warrirors\n\n\n1:15 PM\n51318\nBrick Benders\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDivision 2\n\n\nJudging Team 2\nTeam Number\nTeam N ame\n\n\n10:00 AM\n7650\nRenaissance Tech\n\n\n11:00 AM\n16634\nGlory\n\ n\n12:00 AM\n23371\nThe Bold Streak\n\n\n1:30 PM\n24277\nOAKS\n\n\nJudgi ng Team 3\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\n\n\n10:15 AM\n25752\nBlue Whales\n\n\ n11:15 AM\n30490\nXtreme Bots\n\n\n12:45 AM\n49491\nPride Bots\n\n\n1:45 PM\n50827\nThe Bricksters\n\n\n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit y our Practice Robot Game Round\nSubmit your Event Materials URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:167dc1de-e689-44bd-bc7e-f778588fd948 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210123 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Southwest) Remote Regional Qualifier 3 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Nicky Rahley and Lizzy Fulcher. If you have questio ns about submitting materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nE VENT SCHEDULE\nWhile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the team's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check out the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and parti cipate in virtual activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closi ng Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n \nTime\nEvent\nLink\n\n\n8:00 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nEmailed to Lead Coach \n\n\n8:30 AM\nOpening Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:00 AM - 3:30 PM\nJud ging Sessions\nEmailed to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Ac tivities\nJoin Us!\n\n\n4:30 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n\nJU DGING SESSIONS\nCoaches will receive the Zoom link to their judging sess ion through email so it can be distributed to the team before the event.   The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the proje ct presentation meeting the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up and make sure eve ryone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabilities within the Zoom room.\nRoom 1 (Division 1)\n \n\n\n\n\n46108\n\nCivilBots\n9:15 AM\n\n\n\n38239\n\nRobo-Rangers\n10:1 5 AM\n\n\n\n8810\n\nThe LadyBots\n\n11:15 AM\n\n\n\n8809\nTeam Champion\ n\n12:45 PM\n\n\n\n44219\nFierce Foxes\n\n1:45 PM\n\n\n\n\nRoom 2 (Divis ion 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n8811\n\n#AHESReboot\n9:30 AM\n\n\n\n8812\n\nOperative Innovators\n\n10:30 AM\n\n\n\n51259\nActive Avocados\n\n11:30 AM\n\n\n\n \n47869\n\nEngineers\n1:00 PM\n\n\n23372\nThe Bit Lords\n\n2:00 PM\n\n\n \n\nRoom 3 (Division 2)\n\n\n\n\n\n30485\n\nRobotic Rhinos\n9:45 AM\n\n\ n42539\nMojo Dojo\n\n10:45 AM\n\n\n\n\n42361\n\nTheTeam(TM)\n12:15 PM\n\ n\n8807\nMagical Unicodes\n\n1:15 PM\n\n\n\n\n8808\n\nAbsolute Zero\n\n2 :15 PM\n\n\n\n\nRoom 4 (Division 2)\n\n\n\n\n\n38241\n\nBaysavers\n10:00 AM\n\n\n\n25762\n\nFire Breathing Rubber Duckies\n11:00 AM\n\n\n7650\nR enaissance tech\n\n12:30 PM\n\n\n\n39485\nThe NeWTs\n\n1:30 PM\n\n\n\n\n  \;\n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Robot Game Round\nSubmit your Event Materials \n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:59cfeecf-080e-4324-9d58-3feb00ae6590 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210130 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(DC/McKinley) Remote Regional Qualifier 3 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Ken Lesley.  If you have questions about submitting materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\nWhil e we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will n ot always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the team's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check out t he Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in virtual a ctivities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent\nLink \n\n\n8:00 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nEmailed to Lead Coach\n\n\n8:30 AM\nOpen ing Ceremony\nWatch Live\n\n\n9:00 AM - 3:00 PM\nJudging Sessions\nEmail ed to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin Us!\n \n\n5:00 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoach es will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so it can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging sessio n will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meeti ng the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabi lities within the Zoom room.\nRoom 1 (Division 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n4421\n\nSud ley Roborunners\n\n9:15 AM\n\n\n\n\n31289\n\nEaglebots 1\n10:15 AM\n\n\n 44897\nGearHeads\n\n11:15 AM\n\n\n\n\n45947\n\nTechVengers\n12:45 PM\n\n \n46448\nThe Super Lightning Legos\n\n1:45 PM\n\n\n\n\nRoom 2 (Division 1)\n\n\n\n\n\n46454\n\nPineapple Reapers\n\n9:30 AM\n\n\n\n\n45246\n\nRo bobusters\n10:30 AM\n\n\n46457\nLEGO Llamas\n\n11:30 AM\n\n\n\n\n46455\n \nSock Men\n1:00 PM\n\n\n46386\nThe Active Axles\n\n2:00 PM\n\n\n\n\nRoo m 3 (Division 1/2)\n\n\n\n\n\n24195\n\nCreeping Trailblazers\n9:45 AM\n\ n\n\n31151\n\nStarstruck\n\n10:45 AM\n\n\n\n31778\nRaining Robots\n\n12: 15 PM\n\n\n\n\n50629\n\nBricksville Knights\n1:15 PM\n\n\n46453\nGrizzly Sports Ballers\n\n2:15 PM\n\n\n\n\nRoom 4 (Division 2)\n\n\n\n\n\n37777 \n\nCuriobots\n10:00 AM\n\n\n47367\nTeam Mile\n\n11:00 AM\n\n\n\n\n50367 \n\nSaint Agnes #1\n12:30 PM\n\n\n34961\nNacho Bricks\n\n1:30 PM\n\n\n\n \n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Game Round\nSubmi t your Event Materials\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1589b515-ab3c-42a8-ac1f-7ff0a1a20ed1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210130 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Norfolk) Remote Regional Qualifier 5 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Karl Meister.  If you have questions about submitti ng materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\nWh ile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the team' s Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check out the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in virtual activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent\nLi nk\n\n\n8:00 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n8:30 AM\nOpeni ng Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:00 AM - 3:00 PM\nJudging Sessions\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin Us!\n\n\ n4:30 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoaches will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so it can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meeting the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the j udging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  D uring the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabili ties within the Zoom room.\n\n \n\n\nJudging Team 1\nTeam Number\nTea m Name\nDivision\n\n\n9:15 AM\n50323\nRobotics Royale\nDiv. 1\n\n\n10:10 AM\n2916\nTeam 2916\nDiv. 1\n\n\n11:05 AM\n9021\nGreenbrier Panthers\nD iv. 1\n\n\n12:30 PM\n44869\nFiery Phoenix\nDiv. 1\n\n\n1:25 PM\n20019\nE nergizers\nDiv. 1\n\n\n2:20 PM\n46140\nNeptune's Fury\nDiv. 1\n\n\nJudgi ng Team 2\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nDivision\n\n\n9:30 AM\n11343\ntechnos tormers\nDiv. 2\n\n\n10:25 AM\n38703\nStrikers\nDiv. 2\n\n\n11:20 AM\n90 76\nLord of the Bricks\nDiv. 2\n\n\n12:45 PM\n28479\nYukon\nDiv. 2\n\n\n 1:40 PM\n40305\nKnights of Ni\nDiv. 2\n\n\nJudging Team 3\nTeam Number\n Team Name\nDivision\n\n\n9:45 AM\n51544\nBalto\nDiv. 2\n\n\n10:40 AM\n40 815\nThe Control Freaks\nDiv. 2\n\n\n11:35 AM\n10989\nAlbertoes\nDiv. 2\ n\n\n1:00 PM\n51349\nFLL Challenge Chesapeake\nDiv. 2\n\n\n\nRemote Tour nament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Game Round\nSubmit your Event Ma terials  URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:91bb655e-3738-467f-9bdb-c1e35bf93639 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210206 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Harrisonburg) Remote Regional Qualifier 5 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Emily Winter.  If you have questions about submitti ng materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\nWh ile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the team' s Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check out the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in virtual activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent\nLi nk\n\n\n8:30 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n9:00 AM\nOpeni ng Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:30 AM - 3:00 PM\nJudging Sessions\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin us!\n\n\ n4:00 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoaches will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so it can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meeting the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the j udging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  D uring the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabili ties within the Zoom room.\n \;\n\n\n\nJudging Team 3\nTeam Number\n Team Name\nDivision\n\n\n10:00AM\n49078\nSpunkies\nDiv 1\n\n\n10:55 AM\n 45545\nBrick Tacos\nDiv 1\n\n\n11:50 AM\n23582\nTune Squad\nDiv 1\n\n\n1 :15 PM\n51838\nBeAttitudeBuilders8\nDiv 1\n\n\n2:10 PM\n31515\nThe Robot Eagles\nDiv 1\n\n\n\n \;\n\n\n\nJudging Team 3\nTeam Number\nTeam N ame\nDivision\n\n\n9:45 AM\n2673\nReturn of the Jedi Penguins:Rise of th e SkyWaddlers\nDiv 2\n\n\n10:40 AM\n31517\nTrailblazers\nDiv 2\n\n\n11:3 5 AM\n31516\nThe Bodaciously Bold and Brilliant Trailblazers\nDiv 2\n\n\ n1:00 PM\n36355\nMonelison Trobots\nDiv 2\n\n\n1:55 PM\n38762\nPluto is a planet too\nDiv 2\n\n\n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Pra ctice Robot Game Round\nSubmit your Event Materials URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:86998de7-c5c5-4293-ba47-b6f8283a8809 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210206 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(DC/Friendship) Remote Regional Qualifier 5 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Michael Robinson.  If you have questions about subm itting materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE \nWhile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the t eam's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check out the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in vir tual activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony w ill be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent \nLink\n\n\n8:00 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n8:30 AM\nO pening Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:00 AM - 3:00 PM\nJudging Sessions\nS ent to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin Us!\ n\n\n5:00 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoa ches will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email s o it can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging sess ion will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation mee ting the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter t he judging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.   During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capa bilities within the Zoom room.\nJudging Room 1\n\n\n\n\n\n9:00 AM\n\n690 9 (Div 1)\nLightning Bolts\n\n\n10:00 AM\n37856 (Div 1)\n\nLlama Corns\n \n\n\n11:00 AM\n51233 (Div 1)\n\nDream Chasers\n\n\n\n\n12:30 PM\n\n4058 6 (Div 1)\nG.I.R.L.S\n\n\n1:30 PM\n45595 (Div 1)\n\nBuilding Buddies\n\n \n\n\nJudging Room 2\n\n\n\n\n\n9:15 AM\n\n46647 (Div 1)\nCoding Masterm inds\n\n\n10:15 AM\n51132 (Div 1)\n\nProgamers\n\n\n\n\n11:15 AM\n\n4245 2 (Div 2)\n#Girl Code\n\n\n12:45 PM\n42449 (Div 2)\n\nSuperior 7\n\n\n\n \n1:45 PM\n\n22395 (Div 2)\n\nRoboKnights\n\n\n\n\nJudging Room 3\n\n\n\ n\n\n9:30 AM\n\n49481 (Div 1)\nFlash\n\n\n10:30 AM\n38288 (Div 1)\n\nLIC Ko\n\n\n\n\n12:00 PM\n\n45013 (Div 2)\nGHC.Sparks\n\n\n1:00 PM\n51004 (D iv 2)\n\nLegoVision\n\n\n\n\n2:00 PM\n\n41647 (Div 2)\n\nChamberlain Cha mpions\n\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \;\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Robot Game Round\nSubmit your Event Materials URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f8ee1dbd-114a-4944-b321-c6e80731196b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210206 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Richmond) Remote Regional Qualifier 6 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Cheryl Kaplan.  If you have questions about submitt ing materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\nW hile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that wil l not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the team 's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check ou t the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in virtua l activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent\nL ink\n\n\n8:00 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n8:30 AM\nOpen ing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:00 AM - 3:00 PM\nJudging Sessions\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin Us!\n\n \n4:30 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoache s will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so i t can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meetin g the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabil ities within the Zoom room.\nRoom 1: Division 1/2\n\n\n\n\n\n44649\n\nBE AVERBOTS\n9:15 AM\nDiv 1\n\n\n51798\nStingray Robotics\n10:15 AM\n\nDiv 1\n\n\n\n\n50844\n\nYogicTransformersBlue\n11:15 AM\nDiv 1\n\n\n24577\nC OVID Busters\n12:45 PM\n\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n48466\nCOUGARS\n1:45 PM\n\nDiv 2\ n\n\n\n\n \;\n\nRoom 2: Division 1/2\n\n\n\n\n30892\n\nYogicTransfor mersGreen\n9:30 AM\nDiv 1\n\n\n45061\nShort Circuits\n10:30 AM\n\nDiv 1\ n\n\n\n\n46289\n\nPanini Cats\n11:30 AM\nDiv 1\n\n\n50828\nChaotic Coder s\n1:00 PM\n\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n24578\nTrail Blazers\n2:00 PM\n\nDiv 2\n\n\n\ n\n \;\nRoom 3: Division 2\n\n\n\n\n27850\nBlazing Torch\n9:45 AM\n\ nDiv 2\n\n\n\n33104\nPiheads\n10:45 AM\n\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n\n27851\n\nOff Th e Grid\n12:15 PM\nDiv 2\n\n\n26957\nWatt Bots\n1:15 PM\n\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n\ n\n \;\n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Robot G ame Round\nSubmit your Event Materials URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:7c252778-d979-4adc-a277-1dab3bf5d665 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210207 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Alexandria) Remote Regional Qualifier 6 DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit your team materials (Project presentation\, rob ot game etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tou rnament directors\, Krystian Jones.  If you have questions about submit ting materials\, please reach out to Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\n While we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that wi ll not always be an option.  The only mandatory portion will be the tea m's Judging Session (listed below).  Teams will also be able to check o ut the Robot Game Leaderboard for score updates and participate in virtu al activities throughout the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony wil l be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\n\n\n\n\nTime\nEvent\n Link\n\n\n8:30 AM\nCoaches Meeting\nSent to Lead Coach\n\n\n9:00 AM\nOpe ning Ceremony\nWatch Live!\n\n\n9:30 AM - 2:30 PM\nJudging Sessions\nSen t to Lead Coach\n\n\n11:00 AM - 4:00 PM\nVirtual Activities\nJoin Us!\n\ n\n5:00 PM\nClosing Ceremony\nWatch Live\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoache s will receive the Zoom link to their judging session through email so i t can be distributed to the team before the event.  The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meetin g the teams in the judging Zoom room.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up and make sure everyone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabil ities within the Zoom room.\n\n\n\n\nJudging Team 1\nTeam Number\nTeam N ame\nDivision\n\n\n10:15 AM\n39763\nRobotific Scientist\nDiv 1\n\n\n11:1 0 AM\n112\nRoboSapiens\nDiv 1\n\n\n12:05 AM\n29020\nRainbow Squirrels\nD iv 1\n\n\n1:30 PM\n37728\nLEGOnardo da Vinci\nDiv 1\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJudging Team 2\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nDivision\n\n\n10:30 AM\n41390\nAerodrio ds\nDiv 1\n\n\n11:25 AM\n45043\nThunderBots\nDiv 1\n\n\n12:50 AM\n45673\ nTechnoWolves\nDiv 1\n\n\n1:45 PM\n51310\nCodathletez v2.0\nDiv 1\n\n\n\ n\n\n\nJudging Team 3\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nDivision\n\n\n9:45 AM\n51 430\nLego Lizards\nDiv 1\n\n\n10:40 AM\n51625\nRobotrunner\nDiv 1\n\n\n1 1:35 AM\n51852\nCheetas\nDiv 1\n\n\n1:00 PM\n38153\nExcalibots\nDiv 2\n\ n\n1:55 PM\n50984\nSmart is the New Cool!\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n\n\n\nJudging Te am 4\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nDivision\n\n\n10:00 AM\n39941\nCosmic Coug ars\nDiv 2\n\n\n10:55 AM\n45266\nChilljolly Explorers\nDiv 2\n\n\n11:50 AM\n50985\n Fitful\nDiv 2\n\n\n1:15 PM\n50819\nDolphins 2020\nDiv 2\n\n \n2:10 PM\n51287\nCompulsive Chargers\nDiv 2\n\n\n\n\nRemote Tournament Guidelines\nSubmit your Practice Robot Game Round\nSubmit your Event Mat erials URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:cd9ffac2-9750-4c7f-80c2-d620a0339993 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210207 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Championship Event DESCRIPTION:Coaches will receive emails outlining their team schedule cl oser to the day of their event\, but for planning purposes... check out the event schedules and judging sessions below!  You can also find out more about how to submit team materials (Project presentation\, robot g ame etc).  If you have any questions\, please reach out to your tournam ent director\, Kaitlin Ilnitzki.\nEVENT SCHEDULE\nWhile we want teams to participate as much as possible\, we know that will not always be an op tion.  The only mandatory portion will be the team's Judging Session (l isted below).  Teams will also be able to check out the Robot Game Lead erboard for score updates and participate in virtual activities througho ut the day!  The Opening and Closing Ceremony will be recorded so teams can watch at a later date.\nRobot Game Leaderboard -  Division 1     Division 2\n\n\n\n\nDate\nEvent\nTime (EST)\nLink\n\n\nFriday\, Februa ry 26th\nCoaches Meeting\n7:00 PM\nEmailed to Lead Coach\n\n\nSaturday\, February 27th\nOpening Ceremony\n9:00 AM\nWatch Live!\n\n\nJudging\n9:4 5 AM to 3:30 PM\nEmailed to Lead Coach\n\n\nVirtual Activities\n11:00 AM to 4:00 PM\nJoin us\n\n\nSunday\, February 28th\nRobot Game Showcase\n1 2:00 PM to 2:00 PM\nWatch Live!\n\n\nClosing Ceremony\n4:00 PM\nWatch Li ve!\n\n\n\n\nJUDGING SESSIONS\nCoaches will receive the Zoom link to the ir judging session through email so it can be distributed to the team be fore the event.  The judging session will last 25 minutes (judges will watch the project presentation meeting the teams in the judging Zoom roo m.  Teams will be able to enter the judging room early to get set up an d make sure everyone is connected.  During the judging session\, teams will also have screen sharing capabilities within the Zoom room.  Teams are listed numerically by Team Number and Division.\n \;\n\n\n\n\nD ivision 1\n\n\n\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nTeam Judge Time\n\n\n112\nRoboS apiens\n9:45 AM\n\n\n6909\nLightning Bolts\n9:45 AM\n\n\n8810\nThe LadyB ots\n9:45 AM\n\n\n9021\nGreenbrier Panthers\n9:45 AM\n\n\n23372\nThe Bit Lords\n9:45 AM\n\n\n29020\nRainbow Squirrels\n9:45 AM\n\n\n30892\nYogic Transformers Green\n2:45 PM\n\n\n37728\nLEGOnardo-Da-Vinci\n10:45 AM\n\ n\n37856\nLlama Corns\n10:45 AM\n\n\n40586\nG.I.R.L.S.\n1:45 PM\n\n\n410 39\nBob's Bricks\n9:45 AM\n\n\n44219\nFierce Foxes\n10:45 AM\n\n\n44869\ nFiery Phoenix\n10:45 AM\n\n\n44897\nGearHeads\n12:45 PM\n\n\n45043\nThu nderBots\n12:45 PM\n\n\n45246\nRobobusters\n10:45 AM\n\n\n45545\nBrick T acos\n12:45 PM\n\n\n45595\nBuilding Buddies\n2:45 PM\n\n\n45673\nTechno Wolves\n1:45 PM\n\n\n45947\nTechVengers\n12:45 PM\n\n\n46108\nCivilBots\ n10:45 AM\n\n\n46140\nNeptune's Fury\n12:45 PM\n\n\n46289\nPanini Cats\n 1:45 PM\n\n\n46386\nThe Active Axles\n1:45 PM\n\n\n46448\nThe Super Ligh tning Legos\n12:45 PM\n\n\n46457\nLEGO Llamas\n1:45 PM\n\n\n46647\nCodin g Masterminds\n12:45 PM\n\n\n49078\nSpunkies\n2:45 PM\n\n\n50844\nYogic Transformers Blue\n10:45 AM\n\n\n51259\nActive Avocados\n1:45 PM\n\n\n51 310\nCodathletez 2.0\n1:45 PM\n\n\n51318\nBrick Benders\n2:45 PM\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\nDivision 2\n\n\n\nTeam Number\nTeam Name\nTeam Judge Time\n\n\ n2673\nJedi Penguins:Rise of SkyWaddler\n9:45 AM\n\n\n8807\nMagical Unic odes\n9:45 AM\n\n\n8808\nAbsolute Zero\n12:45 PM\n\n\n11343\ntechnostorm ers\n9:45 AM\n\n\n16634\nGlory\n9:45 AM\n\n\n22395\nRoboKnights\n12:45 P M\n\n\n24277\nO.A.K.S.\n10:45 AM\n\n\n24578\nTrailblazers\n10:45 AM\n\n\ n25762\nFire Breathing Rubber Duckies\n9:45 AM\n\n\n26957\nWatt Bots\n10 :45 AM\n\n\n30490\nXtreme Bots\n1:45 PM\n\n\n31151\nStarstruck\n1:45 PM\ n\n\n31516\nThe Bodaciously Bold and Brilliant Trailblazers\n1:45 PM\n\n \n33104\nPiheads\n10:45 AM\n\n\n34961\nNacho Bricks\n12:45 PM\n\n\n37777 \nCuriobots\n12:45 PM\n\n\n38153\nExcalibots\n12:45 PM\n\n\n38703\nStrik ers\n12:45 PM\n\n\n38762\nPluto is a planet too\n1:45 PM\n\n\n39941\nCos mic Cougars\n2:45 PM\n\n\n40305\nKnights of Ni\n10:45 AM\n\n\n40815\nThe Control Freaks\n1:45 PM\n\n\n42361\nThe Team(TM)\n2:45 PM\n\n\n42452\n# Girl Code\n1:45 PM\n\n\n45266\nChillJolly Explorers\n2:45 PM\n\n\n47367\ nTeam Mile\n2:45 PM\n\n\n50827\nThe Bricksters\n9:45 AM\n\n\n50828\nChao tic Coders\n10:45 AM\n\n\n51004\nLegoVision\n2:45 PM\n\n\n51349\nFLL Cha llenge Chesapeake\n2:45 PM\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:3e864349-84eb-4386-a204-1e2986cd7ab0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210227 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20210228 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival Registration Opens DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: istration-opens/ UID:urn:uuid:b63a93b8-5563-4bbe-9e80-fcb33f42b493 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210322 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival #1 DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:60f0d3e4-fff4-4374-8e38-78ec4fa49df5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210418T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210418T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival #2 DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:33600021-0821-4a89-85b8-56d8ddce3113 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210501T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210501T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival #3 DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:095303fe-b123-42b5-9a97-5f8e171168bd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210516T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210516T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival #4 DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:2402d12c-41f0-4d6d-8147-1b618fb6e953 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210605T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210605T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival #5 DESCRIPTION:Registration opens today!  Find out more about our remote F LL Explore Festival and how to get your team registered!  We can't wait to celebrate with your team.\nVA-DC FLL Explore Festival Guidelines\nFi nd Dates and Get your Team Registered!\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c308643a-e534-4fa1-a170-6afc62702edb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210612T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210612T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cargo Connect Season Kick Off DESCRIPTION:FIRST® LEGO® League\nSeason Launch – Aug 17th\nWatch at 12pm EST on Twitch\n\n\nCheck our website after August 17th for the sea son challenge details including the Innovation Project Details and Robot Game Missions. Check out the Season Teaser and Robot Game sneak peek im ages.\n\n\nREGISTER YOUR TEAM\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:54b26ae9-e0aa-43e1-a6f5-f640b2531554 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210817T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210817T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, August 26th from 7p m-8pm EST (Season Updates and Unpacking the Challenge)\n Thursday\, Sep tember 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (Robot Game and Updates)\n Thursday\, Septe mber 23rd from 7pm-8pm EST (Event Registration and Project)\n Thursday\ , October 7th from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday \, October 21st from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursd ay\, November 11th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, No vember 18th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ad72936-6685-4e10-a55f-395057fee17c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210826T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210826T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, September 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (Robot Game and Updates)\n Thursday\, September 23rd from 7 pm-8pm EST (Event Registration and Project)\n Thursday\, October 7th fr om 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, October 21st from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, November 11 th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, November 18th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210909T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210909T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, October 7th from 7p m-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, October 21st from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, November 11th fr om 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, November 18th from 7pm- 8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211007T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211007T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, September 23rd from 7pm-8pm EST (Event Registration and Project)\n Thursday\, October 7th from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, October 21s t from 7pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, November 11th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, November 18th fr om 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8 pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210923T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210923T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, October 21st from 7 pm-8pm EST (How to Prepare for an Event)\n Thursday\, November 11th fro m 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, November 18th from 7pm-8 pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST ( General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211021T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211021T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, November 11th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, November 18th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (Ge neral Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211111T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211111T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, November 18th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211118T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211118T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chats DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge Coach Chats\n \;\n\nJoin us for bi-weekly calls as we give you all the updates on the Cargo Connect season\, provi de team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each call will c over a few important topics but most of the time will be reserved for co aches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nRegister HERE (You can re gister for one or multiple sessions)\n\n Thursday\, December 9th from 7 pm-8pm EST (General Questions)\n\n\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbe78127-3662-4735-be55-fcd04babdbe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211209T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211209T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual Volunteer Town Hall DESCRIPTION:We are still finalizing the details and dates for the 2021-2 2 season\, and as expected things will be different from previous years.   We invite all FIRST program volunteers to join us for a Virtual FIRST Volunteer Town Hall on September 21st at 6:00pm to learn more.\nLeaders hip from FLL Explore\, FLL Challenge\, FTC\, and FRC will be present!\nJ oin us!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:760ffac6-e654-4826-ac20-875e20d1d8ee STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210921T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210921T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Tournament Preference Selection DESCRIPTION:Regional Qualifying Tournament Preference Selection\n(pick 1 st\, 2nd\, 3rd\, and 4th choice)\nwill open at 10:00 am EST on October 1 st and will close at 11:59 on October 10th.\n\n\n\n Before October 1st\, it is advised that coaches/ mentors s hould register the team in the VA-DC FLL Team Manager account and enter their team data (members\, grades\, date of birth - determines the teamâ €™s VA-DC FLL division). Please be as accurate as you can!\n Teams will not be able to enter their Tournament Preference Selection until at lea st two members have been entered in the system.\n Assignments are based on a first-come\, first-serve basis and will be posted by October 15th. \n You will be able to come back and make updates/changes as needed unt il the end of the registration period on October 10th.  We will send ou t reminders when  we get close to the opening of the regional tournamen t selection portion. URL;VALUE=URI: n/ UID:urn:uuid:e001a1cc-4a8c-42c7-8a16-8694c0b9d4b7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211001 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211010 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Glen Allen Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Glen Allen Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nDeep Run High School\n\n Please note:  All events are subj ect to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tour nament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament preferences.\n Tournament assignments will be po sted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific de tails regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Sessi on will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\ n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on th e tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (te ams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasin g more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats an d COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 LOCATION:4801 Twin Hickory Rd\, Glen Allen\, VA 23059 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Harrisonburg Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Harrisonburg Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO Leag ue Challenge\nJames Madison University\n\n Please note:  All events ar e subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and O ctober 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to reg ister your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament prefere nces.\n Tournament assignments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more speci fic details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled loc ation\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participan ts (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be re leasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Ch ats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 LOCATION:701 Carrier Dr\, Harrisonburg\, VA 22807 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Newport News Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Newport News Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO Leag ue Challenge\nCrittenden Middle School\n\n Please note:  All events ar e subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and O ctober 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to reg ister your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament prefere nces.\n Tournament assignments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more speci fic details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled loc ation\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participan ts (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be re leasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Ch ats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 LOCATION:6158 Jefferson Ave\, Newport News\, VA 23605 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Manassas Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Manassas Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League C hallenge\nOsbourn Park High School\n\n Please note:  All events are su bject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n To urnament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and Octob er 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to registe r your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament preferences .\n Tournament assignments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Ses sion will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Gam e will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled locatio n\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants ( teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plan s may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releas ing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 LOCATION:8909 Euclid Ave\, Manassas\, VA 20111 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abingdon Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Abingdon Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League C hallenge\nSouthwest Virginia Higher Education Center\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between Oct ober 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tour nament preferences.\n Tournament as signments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will rece ive more specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeti ng and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-pe rson depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all ev ent participants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all th e uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-W eekly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211113 LOCATION:1 Partnership Cir\, Abingdon\, VA 24210 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Norfolk Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Norfolk Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Ch allenge\nNorview High School\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tourname nt Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10t h.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament preferences.  ht tps://\n Tournament assignments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific detail s regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session w ill happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n C losing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the to urnament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (teams\ , coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing mo re guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and CO VID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211113 LOCATION:6501 Chesapeake Blvd\, Norfolk\, VA 23513 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DC Mckinley Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Washington\, D.C. Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nMcKinley Technology High School\n\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between Oct ober 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tour nament preferences.\n Tournament as signments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will rece ive more specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeti ng and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-pe rson depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all ev ent participants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all th e uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-W eekly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211113 LOCATION:151 T St NE\, Washington\, DC 20002 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Richmond Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Richmond Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League C hallenge\n Maggie L. Walker Governor's School\n\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and pro cedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Acco unt to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tourname nt preferences.\n Tournament assign ments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting a nd Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the even t\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the sch eduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the un certainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekl y Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211114 LOCATION:1000 N Lombardy St\, Richmond\, VA 23220 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DC - Friendship Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Washington\, D.C. Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nFriendship Collegiate School\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and proc edures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Accou nt to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournamen t preferences.\n Tournament assignm ents will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive m ore specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting an d Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event \n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the sche duled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event p articipants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the unc ertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We w ill be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211120 LOCATION:4095 Minnesota Ave NE\, Washington\, DC 20019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria 1 Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Alexandria Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nHayfield Secondary School\n\n\n Please note:  All events a re subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\ n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to re gister your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament prefer ences.\n Tournament assignments wil l be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more spec ific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judgin g Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robo t Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled lo cation\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person dependin g on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participa nts (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be r eleasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach C hats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211120 LOCATION:7630 Telegraph Rd\, Alexandria\, VA 22315 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria 2 Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Alexandria Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nHayfield Secondary School\n\n\n Please note:  All events a re subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\ n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to re gister your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament prefer ences.\n Tournament assignments wil l be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more spec ific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judgin g Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robo t Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled lo cation\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person dependin g on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participa nts (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be r eleasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach C hats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211121 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Henrico Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Henrico Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Ch allenge\nGodwin High School\n\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournam ent Preference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10 th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register you r team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament preferences.  h ttps://\n Tournament assignments will be poste d by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific detai ls regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game wil l happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the t ournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (teams \, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing m ore guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and C OVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211121 LOCATION:2101 Pump Rd\, Richmond\, VA 23238 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Regional Championship DESCRIPTION:***  More Details Coming Soon ** URL;VALUE=URI: p/ UID:urn:uuid:f8d2ab54-31a4-4cb4-b165-8e7375d7ea11 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211204 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20211205 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Salem Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Salem Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Chal lenge\nRoanoke College\n\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to c hange as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures.\n Tournament P reference Selection will be open between October 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your tea m for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament preferences.  https: //\n Tournament assignments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific details re garding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Robot Game will hap pen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n Closi ng Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depending on the tourna ment venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (teams\, co ach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more g uidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and COVID- 19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211120 LOCATION:221 College Ln\, Salem\, VA 24153 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Woodbridge Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Woodbridge Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO League Challenge\nWoodbridge Senior High School\n\n Please note:  All events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and procedures .\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between October 1st an d October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Account to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournament pref erences.\n Tournament assignments w ill be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more sp ecific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judg ing Session will happen virtually during the week before the event\n Ro bot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the scheduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-person depend ing on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event partici pants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the uncertain ty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Weekly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211113 LOCATION:3001 Old Bridge Rd\, Woodbridge\, VA 22192 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Martinsville Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION:Martinsville Regional Qualifying Tournament\nFIRST LEGO Leag ue Challenge\nMartinsville Middle School\n \;\n\n Please note:  Al l events are subject to change as we adjust to COVID-19 protocols and pr ocedures.\n Tournament Preference Selection will be open between Octobe r 1st and October 10th.  Find out more HERE\n Use the Team Manager Acc ount to register your team for a VA-DC FLL event and select your tournam ent preferences.\n Tournament assig nments will be posted by October 15th.  After that\, teams will receive more specific details regarding the event schedule.\n Coaches Meeting and Judging Session will happen virtually during the week before the eve nt\n Robot Game will happen in-person on the day of the event at the sc heduled location\n Closing Ceremonies will happen virtually or in-perso n depending on the tournament venue.\n Masks are required for all event participants (teams\, coach/mentors\, and volunteers)\n With all the u ncertainty plans may have to change as we get closer to the events.  We will be releasing more guidance on this soon! Stay tuned to our bi-Week ly Coach Chats and COVID-19 updates page!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1ce4e42d-b6a3-4743-87f8-c1e19850a89d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211106 LOCATION:201 Brown St\, Martinsville\, VA 24112 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Remote Rumble 1 DESCRIPTION:Event Page:  (T eam registration is closed)\n\nVolunteer: tlist.aspx (Search 2021 Cargo Connect and VA(USA) URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:040ef9e6-4ea9-48d5-8bc2-cfd7553ffb84 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220212 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Remote Rumble 2 DESCRIPTION:Event Page:  (T eam registration is closed)\n\nVolunteer: tlist.aspx (Search 2021 Cargo Connect and VA(USA)\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:5b93e068-e076-4656-af84-8b79ec47a1e7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220219 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ashburn FLL Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:a4a594a6-3b5e-4a21-9256-ba790098ad5a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220402T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220402T120000 LOCATION:Bricks 4 Kidz\nThe Pavilion at Ashburn Station\n43635 Greenway Corporate Drive\nAshburn\, VA 20147 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Harrisonburg FLL Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: val/ UID:urn:uuid:82b0eddc-4ac0-450b-ba3d-b23f14afd793 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220424T000000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220424T000000 LOCATION:Explore More Discovery Museum\n150 S Main St\nHarrisonburg\, VA 22801 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:D.C. FLL Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:809e7879-2f13-4302-bb0a-11ddf765f646 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220514T000000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220514T000000 LOCATION:D.C. International School\n1400 Main Dr NW\nWashington\, DC 200 12 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Remote Festival 1 DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: val-1/ UID:urn:uuid:5ef11adb-8d68-481f-8443-f7a5c4bbd1cf STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220416T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220416T120000 LOCATION:VIRTUAL EVENT END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Remote Festival 2 DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: val-2/ UID:urn:uuid:6f9b490c-1444-4420-9ae3-972d2538912c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220604T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220604T100000 LOCATION:VIRTUAL EVENT END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Festival Registration Opens DESCRIPTION:Registration for this event will open on Friday\, February 1 8th at 10AM.\nFind out more about our FLL Explore Festivals and how to r egister you team: t-registration URL;VALUE=URI: istration-opens-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ac662957-6e6e-49f8-b443-e0c99dc3b46a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220218T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220218T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Explore Cargo Connect Webinar DESCRIPTION:Join us as we dive into this season's theme\, Cargo Connect.   This webinar will focus on how to prepare your team for an FLL Explor e Festival!\n\nRegister HERE.\n\nIf you cannot attend the session\, comp lete the registration which asks if you would like the recording sent to you.  We will get that out after the webinar has concluded.\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: t-webinar/ UID:urn:uuid:503fbe7a-9a66-4555-a7d7-3ed578ea8a63 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220215T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220215T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Coach Chat DESCRIPTION:COACH CHATS: Join us every other Wednesday until events beg in in November as we give you all the updates on the Superpowered season \, provide team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each cal l will cover a few important topics but most of the time will be reserve d for coaches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nTODAY'S TOPIC:  SUPERPOWERED Season Overview and Updates\n\nRegister HERE  (You can r egister for one or multiple sessions). All sessions are from 7pm to 8pm EST. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting registration . URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c965776b-e014-49f9-907f-9921475060ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220824T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220824T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Coach Chat DESCRIPTION:COACH CHATS: Join us every other Wednesday until events beg in in November as we give you all the updates on the Superpowered season \, provide team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each cal l will cover a few important topics but most of the time will be reserve d for coaches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nTODAY'S TOPIC:  SUPERPOWERED Robot Game Deep Dive\n\nRegister HERE  (You can register for one or multiple sessions). All sessions are from 7pm to 8pm EST. Yo u will receive a confirmation email after submitting registration. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c965776b-e014-49f9-907f-9921475060ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220907T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220907T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Coach Chat DESCRIPTION:COACH CHATS: Join us every other Wednesday until events beg in in November as we give you all the updates on the Superpowered season \, provide team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each cal l will cover a few important topics but most of the time will be reserve d for coaches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nTODAY'S TOPIC:  SUPERPOWERED Innovation Project &\; Event Registration\n\nRegister H ERE  (You can register for one or multiple sessions). All sessions are from 7pm to 8pm EST. You will receive a confirmation email after submit ting registration. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c965776b-e014-49f9-907f-9921475060ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220921T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220921T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Coach Chat DESCRIPTION:COACH CHATS: Join us every other Wednesday until events beg in in November as we give you all the updates on the Superpowered season \, provide team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each cal l will cover a few important topics but most of the time will be reserve d for coaches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nTODAY'S TOPIC:  SUPERPOWERED How to Prepare for an Event – Pt 1\n\nRegister HERE  ( You can register for one or multiple sessions). All sessions are from 7p m to 8pm EST. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting reg istration. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c965776b-e014-49f9-907f-9921475060ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221005T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221005T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge - Coach Chat DESCRIPTION:COACH CHATS: Join us every other Wednesday until events beg in in November as we give you all the updates on the Superpowered season \, provide team resources\, and answer all of your questions.  Each cal l will cover a few important topics but most of the time will be reserve d for coaches to ask questions and share resources!\n\nTODAY'S TOPIC:  SUPERPOWERED How to Prepare for an Event – Pt 2\n\nRegister HERE  ( You can register for one or multiple sessions). All sessions are from 7p m to 8pm EST. You will receive a confirmation email after submitting reg istration. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c965776b-e014-49f9-907f-9921475060ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221019T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221019T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FIRST LEGO League Challenge Regional Championship DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: nge-regional-championship/ UID:urn:uuid:93478c13-44ba-4233-887d-765f1fff3b77 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20221210 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20221211 LOCATION:James Madison University END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FIRST Chesapeake Programs Expo DESCRIPTION:Learn more about FIRST® LEGO® League\, FIRST® Tech Challe nge\, and FIRST® Robotics Competition robotics programs in District of Columbia\, Maryland\, and Virginia.\n• Robotics exhibits from LEGOs to 120+ pound FIRST Robotics Competition robots.\n• Test your skill driv ing a demo robot.\n• Learn more about volunteering or starting a FIRST robotics program in your school.\n• Be sure to check out the FIRST Te ch Scrimmage for veteran robotics teams from the New River Valley.\n• On this day only – enjoy all of the fun and engaging exhibits at the m useum at no charge!\n• This FREE event is great fun for the entire fam ily\, from kindergarten to grandparents!\nLEARN MORE URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:cb8dfb70-97e5-4838-b3b3-6bc38ea4b4c0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221022T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221022T160000 LOCATION:Science Museum of Western Virginia \n1 Market Square\, SE\, Roa noke\, VA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Newport News FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:55d513dd-094c-4bc5-a988-7aa6dfd79314 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231104 LOCATION:Crittenden Middle School - \n6158 Jefferson Ave - \nNewport New s\, VA 23605 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Harrisonburg FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:32437549-0f00-4965-9a71-17281167ee11 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231104 LOCATION:JMU (Memorial Hall) - \n395 South High Street - \nHarrisonburg\ , VA 22801 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Martinsville FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:064e2943-794b-41d9-8bb1-8404dbc6949c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231111 LOCATION:Martinsville Middle School - \n201 Brown Street - \nMartinsvill e\, VA 24112 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Charlottesville FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:1dbdc7f5-1e13-4aa0-a112-f44b648b5254 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231111 LOCATION:St Anne's-Belfield School - \n799 Faulconer Dr - \nCharlottesvi lle\, VA 22903 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria 1 FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:405e33f2-d1c3-47a2-94f2-823a74c173e4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231111 LOCATION:Hayfield Secondary School - \n7630 Telegraph Rd - \nAlexandria\ , VA 22315 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria 2 FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:a83315fe-20cc-4d80-bc7b-512abc42cf21 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231112 LOCATION:Hayfield Secondary School - \n7630 Telegraph Rd - \nAlexandria\ , VA 22315 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Richmond FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:e0d316f1-6a01-47ca-b819-7a3772bddd9f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231112 LOCATION:Maggie Walker Governor's School - \n1000 North Lombardy Street - \nRichmond\, VA 23220 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ashburn FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:defee740-69fa-45e6-8da9-655480dd0633 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231112 LOCATION:Rosa Lee Carter Elementary School\n43330 Loudoun Reserve Dr\, \ nAshburn\, VA 20148 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abingdon FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:9fa2a3c3-4c60-4ed3-8be8-44e3c9f3a02c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center - \n1 Partnership Ci rcle - \nAbingdon\, VA 24210 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Blacksburg FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:e38d0f0b-68a7-458e-9b79-8422681b6c65 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Blacksburg High School - \n3401 Bruin Ln - \nBlacksburg\, VA 24 060 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Glen Allen FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:17909da8-151e-4fe1-be2e-6d025cb1869f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Deep Run High School - \n4801 Twin Hickory Rd - \nGlen Allen\, VA 23059 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Henrico FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:d204d4e5-8c37-471b-bc7a-ba7ee6de501d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Godwin High School - \n2101 Pump Rd - \nHenrico\, VA 23238 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Washington\, D.C. FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:96f1741b-2307-4b39-92e0-26c1d0a31d2f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:McKinley Technology High School\, \n151 T St NE\, Washington\, DC 20002 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Norfolk FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bc63bf30-00f0-4e41-9c06-6ebbfd12da4d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Norview High School\, \n6501 Chesapeake Blvd\, Norfolk\, VA 235 13 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Manassas 1 FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:06ff2bac-935a-48f6-86b9-1c7ea0704b9d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231118 LOCATION:Osbourn Park High School - \n8909 Euclid Ave - \nManassas\, VA 20111 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Manassas 2 FLL Challenge Qualifier DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Team should be registered with FIRST and reside in Vi rginia or Washington\, D.C.\n- Please read over the Tournament Registrat ion Process HERE\n- Tournament Preference Selection will open October 1s t and close October 10th.  Teams will be notified of Tournament Assignm ent by October 15th\n\nLooking to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunt eers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to g ive to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteer s should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- Ne w volunteers should register with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into their FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events are free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:4fe17f0d-1801-45a1-903b-2c34bf36344b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231119 LOCATION:Osbourn Park High School - \n8909 Euclid Ave - \nManassas\, VA 20111 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Challenge Championship DESCRIPTION:Looking to participate in this event as a FIRST LEGO League Challenge team?\n- Teams advance to this event from a FIRST LEGO League Challenge Qualifying Tournament in Virginia and Washington\, D.C.\n\nLoo king to join the fun as a volunteer?\n- Volunteers are the key behind a successful event!  It is a wonderful way to give to an inspiring event and learn more about the program.\n- Volunteers should be 14 year of age or older.\n- Register to volunteer HERE\n- New volunteers should regist er with FIRST.\n- Returning volunteers will be prompted to log into thei r FIRST account.\n\nLooking to visit and check out the event?  Events a re free and open to the public. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c134e6e7-7731-4895-8564-c6c7ed4f0315 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20231209 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20231210 LOCATION:James Madison University - Festival Conference Center - 1301 Ca rrier Drive - Harrisonburg\, VA 22807 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Newport News FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bfbb5208-60a8-4333-b46d-b628a362a4c3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241109 LOCATION:Crittenden Middle School\, 6158 Jefferson Ave\, Newport News\, VA 23605 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Glen Allen FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:6215f3fe-1e61-4459-aa22-2547d1ec0869 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241109 LOCATION:Deep Run High School\, 4801 Twin Hickory Rd\, Glen Allen\, VA 2 3059 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Henrico FLL Challenge Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:8289c65f-be5b-4158-81a3-a9b9ee703e44 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241109 LOCATION:Godwin High School\, 2101 Pump Rd\, Richmond\, VA 23238 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Martinsville FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:5f5a60eb-e355-472d-ab26-59a6d6dcd59d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241109 LOCATION:Martinsville Middle School\, 201 Brown St\, Martinsville\, VA 2 4112 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Norfolk FLL Challenge Regional Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:6b1d6292-dc6e-4ec2-a692-3029fd3534d1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:Norview High School\, 6501 Chesapeake Blvd\, Norfolk\, VA 23513 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Charlottesville FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:0db6b23d-b462-4049-8eb7-2821e9e8b7ef STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:St. Anne's Belfield School\, 799 Faulconer Dr\, Charlottesville \, VA 22903 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abingdon FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:cbea787b-b7bd-4730-8921-e709be4aacb8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center\, 1 Partnership Cir\ , Abingdon\, VA 24210 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Blacksburg FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c668edb2-679f-4b44-87b3-1bc2668ba3b7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:Blacksburg High School\, 3401 Bruin Ln\, Blacksburg\, VA 24060 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Manassas 1 FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:0a44e2fb-58bb-46b2-bba4-d8f5b3b4b775 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:Osbourn Park High School\, 8909 Euclid Ave\, Manassas\, VA 2011 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fairfax FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:55f70d47-8e5c-4880-9193-fa5c57c8bd42 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241116 LOCATION:Chantilly High School\, 4201 Stringfellow Rd\, Chantilly\, VA 2 0151 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Richmond FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:3c7eddb9-0897-48fa-866c-c32c06ffafa9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241117 LOCATION:Maggie Walker Governors School\, 1000 N Lombardy St\, Richmond\ , VA 23220 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Manassas 2 FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:961334a4-a252-4674-880e-d0c322083f22 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241117 LOCATION:Osbourn Park High School\, 8909 Euclid Ave\, Manassas\, VA 2011 1 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Ashburn FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:88c005a7-2e62-47fc-9867-9cea6498f918 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241124 LOCATION:Rock Ridge High School\n43460 Loudoun Reserve Dr\nAshburn\, VA 20148 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DC - Friendship FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:79668067-005b-4304-902e-da1d9f0eadee STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241123 LOCATION:Friendship Collegiate School\n4095 Minnesota Ave NE\nWashington \, DC 20019 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:41686af5-f581-42b3-bfe7-6cf72fd8b546 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241124 LOCATION:Hayfield Secondary School\, 7630 Telegraph Rd\, Alexandria\, VA 22315 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chat - Season Overview and Updates DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:5b8ae7fd-e5df-49ae-9d4b-39fd9418c4ce STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240828T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240828T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chat - Robot Game Deep Dive DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:62c39747-6fb1-4cd3-9f71-346c91c2db74 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240911T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240911T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chat - Innovation Project/ Register for a To urnament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:a922fc52-a194-4e33-9426-4be856be5051 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240925T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240925T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chat - How to Prepare for an Event Pt 1 DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c7f89ce5-7217-409f-982f-fe8655cf92c1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241009T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241009T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Coach Chat - How to Prepare for an Event Pt 2 DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: o-prepare-for-an-event-pt-2/ UID:urn:uuid:cf73b64a-d0cc-4c01-9280-3ca99bdfdfe6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241023T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241023T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Tournament Preference Selection DESCRIPTION:FLL Challenge teams should follow these steps to submit thei r teams' Tournament Preferences during October 1st and October 10th\n\nh ttps:// URL;VALUE=URI: rence-selection/ UID:urn:uuid:e9179211-5add-40b9-9e2a-949a545e79ad STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241001T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241010T235500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Henrico FLL Challenge Workshop DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League SUBMERGED Expert Workshop\n\nCalling all V A/DC FLL Teams!!!  FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1086 Blue Cheese is hosting underwater expert Brendan Burke to speak to FLL teams about unde rwater archeology and exploration.\n\nWe will also watch the Robot Game mission video and go over any updates that have been released.\n\nSEE FL YER FOR MORE DETAILS\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:011ef40f-e0ba-4d5d-848f-dc1847166af2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240903T183000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240903T193000 LOCATION:Tuckahoe Library\, 1901 Starling Dr\, Henrico\, VA 23229 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Hampton Roads FLL Challenge Coaching Kick Off DESCRIPTION:Hampton Roads FLL Coaches\,\n\nWe will be hosting a FLL Subm erged Coaching kick off on Saturday\, September 7th at 2:30 pm in York C ounty and we'd love to have you join us if you're interested!  It is op en to local coaches and we will cover the missions\, rules\, judging and what to expect at a tournament.  This meeting is for coaches/mentors o nly (we won't be set up for team members).\n\nIf you are interested in a ttending this coaching kick off\, please email for mo re details. URL;VALUE=URI: aching-kick-off/ UID:urn:uuid:1f66e577-7c96-474a-b934-0d2fbf6f1a84 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240907T143000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240907T143000 LOCATION:York County\, VA END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DC - McKinley FLL Challenge Qualifying Tournament DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:79668067-005b-4304-902e-da1d9f0eadee STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241123 LOCATION:McKinley Tech High School - 151 T St NE\, Washington\, DC 20002 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:NOAA "Ask an Explorer" Webinar DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:455186da-5879-434e-897a-add11815ac21 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241002T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241002T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:FLL Challenge Tournament Prep Workshop DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: workshop/ UID:urn:uuid:5fc9d819-fd28-42f1-96ad-a26b9e5e2d6c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241026T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241026T120000 LOCATION:Deep Run High School\, 4801 Twin Hickory Rd\, Glen Allen\, VA 2 3059 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Challenge Championship - Division 1 DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ip/ UID:urn:uuid:847bb187-57db-4ced-b2f1-33336d935464 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241207 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:VA-DC FLL Challenge Championship - Division 2 DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ip-division-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ac587f9b-d886-409c-ad9c-b6dc30f2d369 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241208 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Blacksburg FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.  This event is apart of a larger FIRST Robotics event\, the Blacksburg FIRST Robotics Competition Qualif ier. This event is being hosted by New River Robotics Association. \n\n* Teams can learn more and register here .\n\n** If interested in voluntee ring\, you can apply here  (link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create one if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250323T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250323T160000 LOCATION:Blacksburg High School\, 3401 Bruin Ln\, Blacksburg\, VA 24060 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Alexandria FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.  This event is apart of a larger FIRST Robotics event\, the Alexandria FIRST Robotics Competition Quali fier.\n\n*Teams can learn more and register here .\n\n** If interested i n volunteering\, you can apply here  (link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create one if you do not already have one ). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250322T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250322T150000 LOCATION:Hayfield Secondary School\, 7630 Telegraph Rd\, Alexandria\, VA 22315 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Henrico FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250410T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250410T190000 LOCATION:Highland Springs High School\, 200 S Airport Dr\, Highland Spri ngs\, VA 23075 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:D.C. FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250426T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250426T120000 LOCATION:To Be Announced END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Harrisonburg FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250427T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250427T160000 LOCATION:Explore More Children's Musuem\, 150 S Main St\, Harrisonburg\, VA 22801 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Leesburg FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250503T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250503T120000 LOCATION:Academies of Loudoun\, 42075 Loudoun Academy Dr\, Leesburg\, VA 20175 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Charlottesville FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250504T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250504T160000 LOCATION:Blue Ridge Boost\, 2171 Ivy Rd\, Charlottesville\, VA 22903 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fairfax FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.\n\n*Teams can learn more and regi ster here .\n\n** If interested in volunteering\, you can apply here  ( link will prompt you to log into your FIRST Inspires account or create o ne if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250510T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250510T120000 LOCATION:Nova Labs\, 3850 Jermantown Rd\, Fairfax\, VA 22030 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Newport News FIRST LEGO League Explore Festival DESCRIPTION:FIRST LEGO League Explore teams will come together to celebr ate and showcase their season journey.This event is being hosted in conj unction with the CNU Family STEM Day and FLL Challenge Scrimmage.\n\n*Te ams can learn more and register here .\n\n** If interested in volunteeri ng\, you can apply here  (link will prompt you to log into your FIRST I nspires account or create one if you do not already have one). URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:95597a78-a0f0-4513-be2a-5a6469793e0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250510T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250510T120000 LOCATION:Christopher Newport University\, 1 University Pl\, Newport News \, VA 23606 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New River Robotics FLL Challenge Scrimmage DESCRIPTION:Join other FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams from across sou thwest Virginia in a friendly scrimmage. Meet other teams\, show off you r work\, and have fun!\n\nThis event is being hosted by New River Roboti cs Association in conjunction with the FIRST Robotics Competition event at Blacksburg High School. To sign your team up for the scrimmage or vol unteer\, reach out to URL;VALUE=URI: ge-scrimmage/ UID:urn:uuid:f5c311e5-ecfd-445d-86e5-41db3fea6e45 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250322T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250322T160000 LOCATION:Blacksburg High School\, 3401 Bruin Ln\, Blacksburg\, VA 24060 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CNU Stem Day FLL Challenge Scrimmage DESCRIPTION:Join other FIRST LEGO League Challenge teams from across Vir ginia  in a friendly scrimmage. Meet other teams\, show off your work\, and have fun!\n\nThis event is being hosted  in conjunction with CNU F amily Stem Day. To sign your team up for the scrimmage or volunteer\, re ach out to URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f5c311e5-ecfd-445d-86e5-41db3fea6e45 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250222T202842Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250531T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250531T140000 LOCATION:Christopher Newport University\, 1 University Pl\, Newport News \, VA 23606 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR